I consider Oscar as a very professional teacher
I have been having Spanish classes with Oscar Navaro and I am very happy about our lessons. I consider Oscar as a very professional teacher and I do think he has his special unique approach, he knows how to explain material very well and he is very experienced in it. I am very glad with my Spanish language teacher Oscar. BIG THANKS TO HIM!
I can recomend my teacher Oscar Navarro wholeheartedly
Hello, my name is Gunter Schwarz, I am from Germany. I can recomend my teacher Oscar Navarro wholeheartedly. He is an excellent teacher . I studied about 3 years with him and made very good and quick progress. He has a good way of teaching in which humor is also not absent. And he can work out well and explain the tricky parts of spanish in a logic way, often with clear timelines ( present past, etc. for example) and charts. It was always a pleasure to study with him and I never felt bored in his classes.
Feel free to contact me in case of any other questions that you may have.
Hallo, Guten Tag !
Ich heisse Günter Schwarz und lebe in Deutschland. Ich kann meinen Lehrer, Oscar Navarro wärmstes empfehlen. Oscar war mein Lehrer für ca. 3 Jahre und ich habe sehr schnell und effektiv die spanische Sprache erlernt. Es war auch immer platz für Humor. Oscar kann sehr gut die Schwierigkeiten der spanischen Sprache logisch erklären, u.a. Mit tollen Zeichnungen z.B: der Zeitlinien: Gegenwart, Zukunft ,Vergangenheit etc. Es war nie langweilig im Unterricht und hat immer spaß gemacht mit Oscar stressfrei zu lernen.
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